The New European Bauhaus is the creative space promoted by the European Commission that establishes a bridge between science, technology, art and culture.

The IED stewardship towards the achievement of tangible scenarios and active shaping of paths for our shared tomorrows revolves around the Euro-Mediterranean perspectives and that of creative intelligencies.

The New European Bauhaus stands as an invitation to tackle complex social challenges, leveraging green and digital transformations through inter-disciplinarity and co-creation. It calls upon individuals, institutions, organizations, businesses, and for society as a whole, to imagine and together build a sustainable future for all.

In Mediterranean Breviary, Predrag Matvejevic states: “Europe was conceived on the Mediterranean: the sea of proximity that made possible the passage of people, knowledge, arts, sciences, goods, tools, and trade".

Today it is increasingly about innovative, creative socio-economic and cultural models built on values such as uniqueness, participation, contamination.
Being conscious of the broader knowledge trajectories, acknowledging their historicity and situation, and fostering indigenous and cross-cultural patrimony are three topics of particular relevance to the IE, given the strong ties between the value chain of global creativity, the dimensions of inter-regional interactions within the IED Network, and the material and immaterial flows of mastery and expertise with the Americas, in particular the latin-american countries where those ties are particularly strong.

The three guiding principles of the New European Bauhaus, Beauty, Togetherness and Sustainability are strongly interconnected: one building and nurturing one another in a constant circular motion. Each representing a starting point but also a fundamental part of the journey, a point of arrival and of a new departure.

The partnership