Academic year


Alumni y estudiantes crean el primer numero de la revista anual de la Escuela de Artes Visuales: ABONO #00

ABONO Magazine is created by IED Madrid's School of Visual Arts to develop an annual magazine linked to the visual arts.

The aim is to publish a magazine made by and for students to enjoy and experiment with design in a creative and non-committal framework. A space to showcase students' work and learn from each other.

The name is ABONO -meaning compost in Spanish-. Why this name?

Because ABONO -compost- is the beginning of everything. From the compost comes a plant, the plant is eaten by an animal, which turns it into faeces, which gives rise to manure, and we return to compost. So what came first? For us, the university is the first step, it's the COMPOST, the time and place where you try to experiment and see what kind of plant you want to become, before the future eats you. You may end up being a big tree, a mushroom or a flower but the important thing is to know what kind of fertiliser to use.

ABONO Magazine was directed by Aitor Baigorri, Lucas Criado and Andrea López with the indispensable collaboration of students Diego Coleto, Aitor Gabirondo, Sergio Polvorino and Jacobo Cobian.

Art direction: Andrea López and Lucas Criado.
Graphic design: Diego Coleto, Aitor Gabirondo, Sergio Polvorino and Jacobo Cobian.
Thanks to Pulse Print for printing.