Interior and Spatial Design
New technology enhancing interior spaces and urban design.
Get into the world of interior design to create spaces that will effectively respond to human needs and produce a meaningful experience. Learn about the different applications of spatial design, furniture design, parametric project design, lighting and exhibit design, all the way to green design, visual merchandising and retail space design.
Every application area of interior and spatial design will be at your fingertips! Just go and take on the challenge of reinventing spaces with projects focusing on sustainability and urban regeneration.

Working in the creative industries requires passion and curiosity for the world around us: there are endless possibilities.
IED students are currently working as:
- Interior Designer
- Exhibition Designer
- Set Designer
- Restaurant Designer
- Designer for Hospitality
- Retail Designer
- Concept Designer
- 3D Visualizer - Renderer
- Landscape Designer
- Lighting designer
- Project Manager
- Sustainable Designer
- Urban Designer
Find out who he is, what he does and how to become: Interior Designer

IED Open Days
We look forward to meeting you in person at our premises and online, to learn more about our teaching offerings, get to know our services and interact with coordinators, lecturers and students.