Erasmus+ is a programme funded by Europe concerning education, training, youth and sport, intending to promote international mobility among individual students. It has been approved for the period from 2021 to 2027.
The new Erasmus + 2021-2027 Programme makes it possible, thanks to a new model called Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), to develop a hybrid international experience which combines both short-term physical mobility and ongoing digital collaboration. This experience jointly involves staff, lecturers and students of the partner institutes involved in the project.
The Erasmus+ Program is addressed to students who attend a First Level Academic Diploma (Bachelor) at a partner institution of IED.
Erasmus+ for students

Studying Opportunity
STUDENTS OF PARTNER UNIVERSITIES -The Erasmus+ student mobility programme enables students from IED's Erasmus+ higher education partner institutions to enhance their academic curriculum by attending a semester at one of the IED campuses, benefiting from scholarships made available by the EU.
IED STUDENTS - The Erasmus+ student mobility programme enables IED students to enrich their academic curriculum by attending a semester at one of IED's Erasmus+ higher education partner institutions, thanks to the scholarships made available by the EU.
Internship Opportunity
The Erasmus+ internship mobility programme enables recently graduated students to spend a training period working abroad in one of the E+ programme countries in companies, institutions, training centres, research centres or other organisations.

Erasmus+ for IED Staff

Mobility for training
Erasmus+ allows the staff member to learn and teach abroad at an Erasmus+ higher education partner institution, connected with the daily work they carry out at the higher education institution in which they work.
Teaching in mobility
Erasmus+ allows teaching staff to carry out educational activities abroad at an Erasmus+ higher education partner institution.