08 October 2022 - 08 October 2022
15:30 PM - 17:00 PM
360 Design - Bálna Budapest, Art Market Inside Art auditorium, Budapest - Hungary
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In-person event
IED will be present at the roundtable HFDA Academy: Points of intersection: art & design with Giovanni Ottonello as a guest speaker
The intervention of Giovanni Ottonello - IED Art Director - will keep in line with the NOT AN ARTIST investigation process exploring the blurring borders between disciplines:
"Is the distinction between Expression (being connected to Art) and Function (being connected to Design) still valid?"
"When and where the questions tackled by artists and designers separate and when do they overlap?"
The relationship between Art and Design has a long history that leads us today to use words such as intersection, hybridization and metamorphosis where body, technology and nature find a perfect balance in one form.
The program is free, but registration is required following this link.
The main goal of the HFDA Academy roundtable discussions is to facilitate professional dialogue and knowledge sharing within the creative industry. The event provides a platform for those interested in fashion and design where they get responses to diverse industry questions and can deepen their knowledge of current topics regarding the profession.
During the discussion, the invited experts will analyze a long-debated topic: the differences, overlaps, and interconnectedness of the areas of art and design, considering our rapidly changing and developing world, ambitions for self-expression, market needs, and the blurring of boundaries between arts and scientific disciplines.
Cover image: Synergy by May Beydoun - Undergraduate in Product Design