Academic year


This year's Master's Program in Brand Management and Communication at IED Milano took an innovative approach by collaborating with the renowned brand Costa Crociere for its final project.

The students were tasked with conducting a comprehensive brand assessment and devising strategies to effectively target Generation Alpha, while also considering all touchpoints of interaction.

The opportunity to work with Costa Crociere provided invaluable real-world experience for the students, allowing them to apply their theoretical knowledge to a practical setting under the guidance of industry professionals. Lorenza Montorfano, the Brand and Advertising Director at Costa Crociere, provided insights and feedback during the presentation of the final projects.

This collaboration not only enriched the learning experience of the students but also offered Costa Crociere a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to enhance its brand positioning and communication strategies.

To learn more about the Master's Program and its impactful collaborations, you can visit: This link.