IED design for social transformation in “Design for Inclusion”


01 March 2022

IED students will explore alongside members of ONCE possible responses to the difficulties faced by this community with relation to everyday objects.

A group of students from IED Barcelona will participate in a co-creation project together with people with visual impairments from the ONCE Foundation, as part of the second edition of "Disseny per a la inclusió", or “Design for Inclusion”.

Through this experience, alongside other design schools and members of ONCE, these IED students will explore possible responses to the difficulties faced by this community with relation to everyday objects. The co-creative work will start at the beginning of March and will culminate in a final presentation in June, within the framework of Barcelona Design Week

This is just one of the projects that makes up "Disseny per a la inclusió. El procés com a resultat” (“Design for Inclusion: The process as a result”), an initiative promoted by Barcelona’s Design Museum and the Association Ojalá Projects in a bid to promote collaboration between students from different design disciplines and people from vulnerable groups.

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