El IED Barcelona acoge un bootcamp internacional organizado por PICO


31 October 2023

After passing through other campuses such as Stanford, UC Berkeley or MIT, the workshop arrived at the Point Two facilities on 19 October

As part of the international PICO Dev Jam Campus Tour, the PICO company, specialising in virtual reality hardware and software, visited IED Barcelona, with which it signed a partnership agreement in 2022, to present PICO DEV Bootcamp. An intensive training seminar that aims to publicise the PICO Dev Jam Hackathon Competition, an online hackathon that seeks to promote the virtual reality ecosystem by developing innovative virtual reality and mixed reality content.

After passing through other campuses such as Stanford, UC Berkeley or MIT, the bootcamp was held on 19 October at the Point Two facilities with the participation of 3rd and 4th year students from Motion Graphics and Video and also the Master in Interaction Design.

The students attended two seminars during the day: one on the advanced development of immersive experiences and another on setting up the MR/VR developer environment. They also took part in a hands-on experience as teams to design apps and video games.

The deadline to submit projects to compete in the PICO Dev Jam Hackathon Competition is 10 November.

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