Estudiantes del IED diseñan una acción participativa con motivo del Salón Náutico Internacional de Barcelona


16 October 2023

Together, all the lines emphasised teamwork in an international environment

From 11 to 15 October, students from the Visual Arts Department at IED Barcelona designed a participatory action to make the sea and the America’s Cup more accessible to the public, visitors and participants at the 61st Barcelona International Boat Show.

The action was known as Art Container, an art installation in the form of a canvas located at the Àgora Port space in the Port de Barcelona, on which nearly 150 people designed their own boat trip.

“Participants were invited to be their own vessel and paint a coloured line (a different colour each day) representing their trajectory, thereby recalling the graphics of sailing competitions. They were also asked to try to make the boat float as high as possible when painting their trajectory, representing the physical effort of maintaining the sail, hence the lowest lines correspond to the designs of the boys and girls who also participated in the action,” explained Mery Glez, Director of IED Barcelona’s Visual Arts Department.

The participants then named their boats after designing their journeys.

“It was undoubtedly a teamwork project that aimed to connect the people of Barcelona with the sea and an excellent opportunity to show how design in its artistic aspect helps us to develop communication strategies,” noted Andrea Marchesi, Director of IED Barcelona, during the presentation of the final result.

Art Container was produced in collaboration with AzkoNobel, Port de Barcelona and Fundació Capital Nàutica.

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