Why does my website not rank on Google?


12 February 2024

In an increasingly competitive digital world, more than having a quality webpage is needed to ensure good online visibility.

The position of a web page in search engine results depends on several factors that must be understood and optimised to improve ranking and increase organic traffic. In this article, we will look at the main aspects that influence a web page’s ranking and how an effective SEO strategy can improve them.

What is meant by positioning a web page

Positioning a web page within search engine results is a vital process in today's digital landscape. It determines the higher or lower placement of the page, depending on users’s specific demands This greatly influences the the website’s visibility and the amount of organic traffic it receives.

The page’s position is determined by  severalfactors such as the strategic presence of keywords, the quality and originality of the content and the website’s authority.

Users tend to give more credibility to websites that appear in the highest positions, as they perceive them as more authoritative and trustworthy. Consequently, good positioning not only increases traffic to the website, but can also help improve online reputation and brand perception.

Moreover, positioning is vital for attracting qualified visitors who are genuinely interested in the content offered by the site. In this way, it is possible to attract an audience more inclined to interact with the website and perform desired actions, such as purchasing products or requesting information.

How search engines work

Search engines are huge containers that store billions of web pages. When a user types in a search, called a query, search engines, through specific processes, quickly scan their collection of pages to find those that are most relevant and of the highest quality with respect to the search made.

They work in a complex process involving several stages from data collection to the presentation of results to users.

First of all, search engines use programs called crawlers or spiders to explore the web and collect information on available pages. This makes it possible to navigate through the links on web pages by continuously visiting new websites and updating the information in the search engine's databases.

Once the data have been collected, the search engines proceed with indexing the pages. During this process, relevant information such as keywords, titles, descriptions and links are extracted to then sort the pages in the search results.

The ranking of pages on search engines is the result of sophisticated algorithms that assess the relevance and quality of the content in relation to user requirements.

Over the years, search engines have broadened the factors considered for ranking, taking into account aspects such as content relevance, site usability, technical factors, but also, and above all, related to user experience.

Today, the positioning of a page depends on a wide range of elements, including offsite and onsite factors, as well as technical and content factors. The main challenge lies in optimising engagement and delivering a high-quality user experience. As a result, search engine algorithms are constantly being updated to provide increasingly relevant and effective search results.

How to choose the right keywords

Keywords are the terms or phrases that users enter into search engines to find specific information. Adopting an effective SEO strategy means being able to identify keywords relevant to your industry and website content while maximising visibility and attracting organic traffic.

In order to optimise the keyword selection process, these main aspects must be taken into account:

1.      Search intent analysis of the target audience:

-          Identify the most relevant themes in your sector.

-          Understand the needs and preferences of the target audience by paying attention to the user's search intent, which may be informational, navigational, commercial or mixed.

2.      Cluster analysis of main and long-tail keywords:

-          Analysing the competitiveness of keywords to achieve a higher ranking.

-          Take into account the level of competition in order to choose and plan the most strategic keywords for good positioning.

-          Use specific research tools to obtain accurate data on search volume, competitiveness and related keyword suggestions.

-          Observe and analyse competitors' keyword strategies to identify those that are most successful.

-          Use this information to guide keyword optimisation decisions.

3.      Analysis of the current level of visibility and competitiveness:

-          Use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword, Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs and Moz, which are essential to determine the search volume of each word

-          Focus on keywords with a significant search volume to indicate an actual demand from users.

Choosing the right keywords therefore requires a strategic approach based on an in-depth analysis of the sector, target audience and competition. With proper keyword research and a general understanding of the context, you can increase the visibility and success of your website.

How to optimise a web page for keywords

Optimising a web page for keywords requires a comprehensive approach involving several aspects of the structure and content of the page itself.

To improve the visibility of a page, it is essential to:

-           Include the main keyword in the title, thus attracting the attention of users and search engines.

-          Organise the content of the page strategically, using headings to divide the text into logical and orderly sections facilitating reading and avoiding the “wall of text” effect.

-          Integrate keywords naturally within these sections, excluding excessive repetition that could be penalised by search engines.

In addition to correct keyword placement, it is important to follow some good on-page SEO practices to ensure better overall optimisation of the page. This makes it possible to organise content in a logical and clear manner, facilitating both users and search engines, and to create original and relevant content while avoiding ranking-damaging duplication.

How to increase the popularity and authority of a web page

To increase the popularity and authority of a web page, focusing on off-page SEO strategies is essential. This involves building a solid backlink profile, getting shares and interactions on social media to promote content, and encouraging positive user reviews. These actions not only improve the visibility of your website, but also its credibility in the eyes of search engines and users, helping to consolidate its position in the online market and beyond. In fact, it is also important to act in the offline market, through effective branding activities that will generate brand searches on search engines, thereby bringing traffic to the site.

IED offers training courses to develop specific skills in web communication and user experience. The aim is to equip professionals with the skills needed to create intuitive interfaces and effective digital content in digital marketing.

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