Academic year


In December 2023, the culmination of the Master’s Program in Design – Innovation, Strategy and Product at IED Milano was marked by the presentation of the students' final projects.

These projects, born from the collaboration of 7 clients and 7 briefs, reflected the diverse perspectives and journeys of the 9 participating students. Each project showcased a unique blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and innovative solutions, echoing the essence of the Master’s Program itself.

From a wide array of products, services, and brand solutions, the projects demonstrated the program's commitment to nurturing versatile and forward-thinking designers. By addressing real-world challenges and engaging with clients' needs, the students not only showcased their skills but also exemplified the program's emphasis on practical application and interdisciplinary collaboration.

To explore more about the Master’s Program in Design – Innovation, Strategy and Product you can visit : IED Milano - Master’s Program in Design – Innovation, Strategy and Product.