IED Roma Design Awards
IED Roma Design Awards is the recognition addressed to the best projects developed annually by the students of IED Roma.
It had its first edition in 2019 at the behest of Laura Negrini, Director of the seat, to reward talent and show the results of the students' commitment and creativity to the entire IED community as well as the outside world.
The Award highlights the ability to contribute with one's ideas to changing everyone's life and was created to enhance the relationship between fields.
This year, seven categories will be competing, including: Design, Fashion, Visual Arts - Visual Arts, Visual Arts - Performing Arts, Communication, Master Course, Interdisciplinary Projects.
If you want to participate in the event, please register via the form on THIS PAGE
The Scientific Committee
IED Roma Design Awards - archivio precedenti edizioni
Per conoscere i progetti e i vincitori dell'edizione 2022 e delle precedenti, visita la pagina al link che segue: