Mina Barchi, alumnus del IED Barcelona, finalista de los Premios ADI 2024


22 May 2024

The verdict of the juries and the presentation of the awards will take place on 13 June

Mina Barchi, who graduated in Product Design from IED Barcelona in 2023, is one of the 15 finalists in the running for one of the ADI Medals that the FAD Industrial Design Association awards to students within the ADI Awards. Her final degree project “Plastic Nostrum”, a filter system for microplastic-contaminated marine waters, has been shortlisted by a jury formed by Xavier Torras, Bern Donadeu, Angela Montagud, Xueyu Ji and Pablo Sevilla.

The ADI Awards 2024 bring together three awards in different areas of design: the Delta Awards for industrial design professionals and companies, awarded since 1961; the ADI Medals for product design students, bestowed since 1976; and the ADI Culture Awards, introduced in 2016, for projects that promote design culture.

This latest call has been marked by a high level of participation, with a total of 170 projects selected, of the 349 initially presented.

The verdict of the juries and the presentation of the awards will take place on 13 June, in a ceremony that will be held at the Disseny Hub Barcelona, where the winners will be announced. The inauguration of the ADI Medals exhibition will take place a few days earlier, on 30 May at 6.30 pm.

Best of luck, Mina!

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