The glitch is the disturbance, the error, the bug from which an unexpected advantage can arise, the anomaly that generates an opportunity

In generating shared value for the community and the environment, we participate in the various Design Weeks with a commitment to operate responsibly, sustainably and transparently towards people, communities and territories. We increasingly place the concept of the common good and design as a tool to achieve it at the centre of our mission.

This is the setting for The Glitch Camp: as a responce to the difficulty of young people in participating in the shared value of Milan Design Week with a project of welcome, the opportunity that emerges from the complexities of receptivity, an advantage in disadvantage with the opportunities for socialisation and growth that arise.

We believe, in fact, in the role of Design as a transformative platform through which to take care of the world, formulate questions and identify answers to emerging needs, applying design to the regeneration, integration and sharing of common goods.




  • The Glitch Camp
  • Premio Montebello | Bergesio 2023-24
  • IED al Giardino delle idee di Vanity Fair
  • The Circle - Laboratori per un futuro circolare
  • Installazione - Racconti Sonori 
  • Mostra - Record Labels Logos
  • Emiliano Ponzi
  • Federica Biasi
  • Alessandra Salaris
  • Gunilla Zamboni
  • YellowDot
  • Davide Colla
  • Luca Pinotti
  • Attila Veress
  • Riccardo Randi
  • Andrea Crespi
  • Attila Veress