IED Group granted a 100% scholarship to study in a Summer Course in IED Barcelona, Spain in 2024
06 December 2023
IED Group granted a 100% scholarship to study in a Summer Course in IED Barcelona, Spain in 2024
Rassul Sotsial from Kazakhstan was selected as a winner ammong the 10 finalists of Fashion for Future contest for young designers announced by Eurasian Fashion Week.
Moldir Aldazharova
Galima Kulchikova
Madina Ray
Dana Saduakhasova
Zhanel Samikulova
Aisha Sanamasova
Elizaveta Semenova
Zarina Serikbayeva
Valentina Horban
Fabricio Pérez Martínez, who is a Coordinator of Fashion Design Course, the University of Westminster-validated BA at IED Barcelona, Spain, and the Jury member awarded the prize on November 12th, 2023 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The winner took the chapan coat cut as a basis, a reference to the nomadic identity. Since the main condition of the competition was the "Upcycling of the future", leather jackets bought at a flea market became the basis for the collection.
Inspired by the idea of the Red Book his main goal was to draw attention to the problem of cruelty to animals. The texture of the jackets resembled torn animal skins, with scraps of meat sticking out from under them. The red inserts are bullet marks. The idea was also laid in the fashion show, the models limped, personifying wounded animals.
We thank every participant and the organizers of the contest for the contribution to the sustainability challenge and look forward to the new competitions in the near future!
Photographer Nikita Bassov