
30 September 2021

The fourth Italian edition of the Global Goals Jam has just ended focused on urban nature and digital pollution with students from IED Milano and Rome

Urban nature and digital pollution were the two aspects the jammers discussed during the Global Goals Jam 2021; four the possible solutions after the workshop. Back2reality4future is an information campaign on digital pollution devised by the Jammers in Rome, which involves companies interested in stimulating a return to even partial return to real activities, highlighting the amount of Co2 emitted into the atmosphere by the servers of online sites.  In Milan, still on the theme of digital pollution, but more on the disposal of devices, Electric Avenue is a creative hub open to electronics students who can offer their skills in the repair and proper use of tools, but also to artists and creative people who give new life to individual pieces.

On the subject of urban nature: Green UNIverse focus on university students in order to help them create a kind of 'diffuse campus', where activities can go outside institutional walls. A network between municipalities, universities, green spaces and students with the common goal of offering and using 'excellent' green spaces in the city centre of Milan thought for education. A free space that frees your mind is the direction taken by IED Rome students. Rome is one of the cities with the most hectares of green space in Europe. An app will allow individual citizens to reserve their own space of varying size according to their needs, and become responsible for it: "fixed-term" quadrilaterals will be created, dedicated to painting en plein air, photographic sets, group readings or yoga, tai chi, dance... with an evaluation system on the management of the area.

Download the booklet to know more about the results.

Discover the solutions created in the last GGJ editions here.

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