
20 September 2018

The first edition of the Global Goals Jam took place in Milan and it tackled challenges to promote a cohesive, sustainable, inclusive and actionable re-generation of the neighbourhood – serving issues posed by the Global Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Sustainability in a broader sense is a matter of urgency we are all aware of and yet, when confronted with long-term global goals, the nature of the issues is so large that they become overwhelming.

Breaking down the problem and setting it in real-life everyday contexts makes it tangible, which in turn encourages people to take action.

The GGJ’s invitation to think big, start small and act fast supports this type of approach, as well as encouraging the sharing of processes and outcomes, learning from one another and generating a positive impact at the global level.

It was in this connection, that the Milan Global Goals Jam 2018 tackled challenges to promote a cohesive, sustainable, inclusive and actionable re-generation of the neighbourhood – serving issues posed by the Global Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Creative teams of designers and jammers from the local community were gather for two days to participate in short design sprints through the lenses of the Design Thinking methodology. Using a tailored toolkit the teams delved into the objectives of sustainable development and – supported by cross-disciplinary coaches – responded to the challenges by creating short term interventions with long term impacts.

Groups of students gathered to answer those questions:

  • How can citizens and institutions empower elders to be more independent in their daily activities?
  • How can citizens and institutions sustain unemployed and retired people in remaining engaged in useful daily routines?
  • How can citizens and institutions re-launch & connect local businesses and small shops in order that they become a competitive and convenient alternative to impersonal “big box” store and services?
  • How can citizens and institutions preserve local businesses and small shops in order to hand down the local areas’ identity & flavour and enhance neighbourhood interaction?

Check out the solutions they created here.

Get to know all the editions of the Global Goals Jam here

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