Start date
October 2025
Full time
On campus
2 Years
Course Coordination
Marina Spadafora
How to develop sustainable garments and responsible fashion collections?
With the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles introduced by the European Parliament, the fashion industry will be required to take bold steps towards sustainable design, production, distribution and communication processes.
The Master of Arts in Responsible Fashion Design. Circular Practices for the Fashion System provides insight into the whole fashion system, from resources involved in production to the ways products are shared and used by communities, with a view to restricting overproduction and overconsumption patterns. This approach fits into the vision of DesignXCommons, where design is regarded to integrate the commons and regenerate the planet.
Issued Degree:
Diploma Accademico di Secondo Livello (DASL), corresponding to a Master of Arts Degree (MA) – EQF7 Level (European Qualification Framework).
The course awards 120 CFA (Academic Formative Credits), corresponding to 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
With the aim to promote responsible and sustainable fashion, this course explores project design skills involved in the creation of fashion collections, based on a critical approach to the concepts of design, production, distribution, communication and disposal methods. Special attention will also be given to understanding such factors as circularity, ecodesign, product longevity, with inclusion and innovation being a key part of all projects. Building on the study of the new EU regulations around the circular textile strategy, this course provides an interdisciplinary approach to develop sustainable projects that can address such regulations by creating zero-waste models and experimenting with new materials. All this will contribute to the transformation of the fashion industry towards new project practices based on full awareness of ethical and social implications.
Career roles that can be pursued with the degree programme in Responsible Fashion Design. Circular Practices for the Fashion System will have the opportunity to contribute to sustainable fashion development for a variety of companies in the fashion industry - but also to get involved in developing their own brands - taking on such roles as eco textile experts and consultants, CSR* consultants (*Corporate Social Responsibility), heads of innovation, and sustainability managers. Continuing in Ph.D. trajectories at Italian and foreign universities will also be an option.
The main software you will need during your course is provided by IED!
On this page you will find all the features you need for your computer.
Course coordinator describes the goal, the methodology and the professional opportunities of the Master of Arts in Responsible Fashion Design.